Now just to catch up everyone--the project is to create a customized set of Teen Titans Dolls for my daughter. I purchased two Obitsu 27cm bodies on Ebay, with heads. The doll essentially comes as you see here--headless. There are some different sizes-- 21cm, 23cm, 27cm, 60cm, and the new 50cm sizes. I picked the 27cm because they seemed to be the most prevelant, and have a wide array of clothing available. Since this is really my first project, I have to make sure that I keep it simple.

Now to be fair, I feel I should show you what this doll is being created to replace. You can see to the right the $4.99 doll. This one is broken--the head came off. I fixed it temporarily by using a small drillbit with my fingers to bore out a hole in the head and body, and using the top of a ballpoint pen to stick in both ends, glued together like a dowl rod.
It's not fully poseable. But this doll believe it or not retails for $59.00 or more on ebay because it's a collector's item. Now originally, I bought the two dolls because I was going to make two sets. Now that I see the kind of work that you have to put into it, I believe it's a little more prudent to make one set and then work out doing another set somewhere down the line. I'd like to eventually get rid of all the unused barbies, too and replace it with the obitsu's made to order.

Now you can see here that this is the costume for that same doll and what it looks like in comparison to the plastic original. My daughter and I selected the fabric, and I have spent a few weeks doing to sewing to make the basic parts of her outfit. Nothing is purchased on this particular doll outfit. It's completely hand sewn. It's a good first effort, and my daughter seems to like it--but right now it does not look like Starfire at all. This is because the doll the clothing is fitted on is only my working model--but you try to explain that to an 8 year old! LOL.
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